
Showing posts from June, 2017


Sunrise at the staging area It's a cold Thursday morning in late June.  Rain had been pouring down for the last 24 hours, but has decided to briefly let up for the occasion.  It's 2:30am.  It's summer Solstice (or the day after as the trail Sage Shayne would remind us, but close enough).  A group of us have decided to attempt a sunrise trail run in the valley a few minutes from town.  The group is mostly the usual trail suspects of a running group. Shayne- The trail sage who knows every ATV path in the area, and has named every goat/mountain bike path up every hill and valley (He's named this route the 'Beatton Beat Down' after the valley we are in). Tom- The guy who stops running mid stride to take pictures, and whose idea of  'walking his dogs' include a vertical mile of gain.  He also designs these insane runs/adventures our group embarks on. Joel- The only one of us that looks like a runner.  The guy who is good company to run with...

Core Lodge Quad

Shayne Vs The Unnamed Mountain The Core Lodge Quad Route Welcome back to the end of the internet.  The following is a recap of the awesomeness that took place on Saturday, June 10th, 2017, at the 'Core Lodge' in the Tumbler Ridge Geo park, when four ultra runners decided to attempt the Core Lodge Quad (CLQ). First, about the CLQ.  The CLQ is a 30ish km hike/run/scramble over four mountains in the Northern Canadian Rockies where the runners gain and lose between 7000 and 8000 feet of elevation.  There are lots of bears, no people, no aid stations, and almost no defined trail.  This route requires bush wacking, route finding, and luck with the weather. Second, the group,  I'll post instagram info for easy stalking. Shayne Gunn (runninggunn), Our route finding expert, and trail sage of our area. Tom Coveney (coveneytom), our defacto photographer, and incline junkie. Joel Stainer , voice of reason and all around good dude. Lastly me; Joshua Slykhu...