Iron Horse Ultra: A Battle against our future Bovine Overlords
Iron Horse Trail If you’re like me, your entire 2020 trail race season was thrown out the window about 6 months ago (welcome to day 192 of two weeks to bend the curve), so when I saw that Iron Horse was still happening this year, I was in. I’d attempted it three years ago, at the end of a busy season, and dropped with shin splints sometime after km 100. So older and wiser, I headed back up to St. Paul, Alberta to give this one another go (after swearing NEVER AGAIN!). St. Paul you will learn is a ranching community, there are more cows then people (there are a boatload of cows). This is not to dismiss the town. It is situated on a lovely lake, and also boasts a UFO landing pad. Since cannabis legalization in Canada, this seems normal. The general terrain looks flat, with lots of rural roads, and fence lines. Iron Horse is advertised as a ‘flat, fast’ course. It can be..... or you can get lost on a trail or road, and add some diff...