March 2017 Training
Another month comes to an end. March is an odd one, as far away from a race as I get (2 months from January, 2 months from May). The weather is still 90% treadmill, but the body wants 100% outside. With the longer days comes better mileage. My weeks ranged from 111 miles to 118.7 (PB), and with a step total of close to 1.4million, I can only say, it was a very successful month.. A few observations: 1) With high mileage, and double or triple runs some days, most bystanders will caution about over training. I was worried about this too! Taking most of my runs slow in January and February, really paid off this month. I went in strong and healthy. I ate healthy foods to maintain weight, and maintained consistent rituals. This paid off. 2) Many personal bests this month. Fastest 10K (40:30). Fastest 15K (62:01). Highest mileage week (118.7miles). 3) Motivation. Success breeds success. Even though I set an alarm most morn...